This article is specifically aimed at employers and generally addresses employees. It focuses on the social and spatial environment surrounding workers.
While prioritizing the workspace over the quality of service provided to clients or customers in any organization might not seem ideal, there is a surprising truth that employers often overlook.
This core element of achievement within an organization is the workspace utilized for operations and service delivery. Let's begin with employees and explore how the work environment impacts their performance and daily productivity.
Psychological and Social Comfort
Although it may not be a deeply explored topic, it is evident that improved interpersonal relationships among employees foster a sense of comfort in the workplace. This depends on the manager's or hiring officer's intelligence in distributing team members within departments, especially when their offices are divided.
In many organizations, issues such as tension or biases stemming from differences in ethnicity, gender, or even tribal affiliations can arise. While managers may not endorse these divisive tendencies, they cannot always control the limited perspectives of some individuals who might undermine others for various reasons. However, a wise and resourceful manager can assign individuals with compatible mentalities, psychological states, and social traits to the same roles or spaces, creating a harmonious and conducive social environment. This setup not only leads to better productivity but also ensures tasks are completed with less effort and time.
Physical Comfort in the Work Environment
Providing psychological comfort is also tied to the physical aspects of the workspace itself. Employees' efforts and capabilities are leveraged by the organization, so at the very least, they deserve a comfortable and spacious working area. The space should have adequate temperature regulation, good ventilation, and be appropriately equipped and designated for work. For instance, an employee should not have to use a storage room as their office due to space constraints or because other employees demand exclusivity for personal reasons. While such requests may be accommodated, they should not come at the expense of unfairly disadvantaging others by assigning them to an unsuitable environment.
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